Archives for: Municipal

Joint and Several Liability Reform Not Yet in the Cards for Ontario

Despite the efforts of the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA), Ontario municipalities will have to wait for reform of Ontario’s tort law. Ontario Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur announced at the 2014 Conference of the Association of Ontario Municipalities (AMO) that the provincial government will not be moving forward with any reforms to joint and several […]

OGRA Pushes for Joint and Several Liability Reform

UPDATE: Ontario Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur announced at the 2014 AMO Conference that the government will not be moving forward with any reforms to joint and several liability. Read more here.  In the Summer 2014 issue of Milestones, the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) outlines proposed solutions to the issue of joint and several liability for […]

Paterson MacDougall Welcomes New Articling Student

Paterson MacDougall is pleased to welcome Darryl Korell to the team as our new articling student. Darryl recently graduated with a J.D. from the University of Ottawa. While there, he interned at the Supreme Court of Canada and co-ordinated the Law Help Ontario student volunteer program. Darryl brings a wealth of research, writing, and management […]

Supreme Court Restores Common Sense to Rule 20 – Summary Judgment

The Supreme Court released its decisions yesterday (January 23) in the Hryniak v. Maudlin, 2014 SCC 7 and Bruno Appliance and Furniture v. Hryniak, 2014 SCC 8 appeals. Those appeals were on the issue of interpreting the 2010 amendments to Ontario’s Rule 20 dealing with summary judgment motions. OTLA and the Canadian Bar Association were […]

Attack on the MMS Dismissed – A Victory for all Municipalities in Ontario

By reasons for decision dated January 7th, 2014, the Honourable Mr. Justice Boswell of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice at Newmarket, dismissed the Application by the Plaintiffs, Amelia Silveira et. al., seeking to have the original version of sections 3, 4 and 5 of O. Reg 239/02 – Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, […]

The Limit of Documentary Discovery in Small Claims Court

In a recent decision won by Ms. Amanda Pinto of PM Law, the Small Claims Court re-affirmed the limits of “discovery” in Small Claims Court proceedings, and awarded significant costs against Plaintiffs whose counsel waited until the eve of trial to bring a motion seeking further documents from the municipal defendant. Read the decision here: […]

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