Archives for: News

The Ontario Court of Appeal

Murray Davison and Charles Painter will be appearing before  the Ontario Court of Appeal on November 10, 2011 representing the Town of  Milton and the Region of Halton on an appeal of a 2010 decision involving the  liability of municipalities for salting and clearing snow and ice from roads.

Air Transport Association of Canada

Clay Hunter will be attending the Air Transport Association  of Canada Annual General Meeting in Montreal from November 13 -15, 2011.

23rd Annual Conference of the International Aviation Womens Association

Carol McCall will be attending the 23rd Annual  Conference of the International Aviation Womens Association in Paris, France  from November 16 – 18, 2011.

The International Municipal Lawyers Association Conference

Jeanne Craig attended the International Municipal Lawyers  Association Conference in Chicago from September 10 – 15, 2011.

The Annual Meeting & Conference of the American Bar Association Forum

Carol McCall attended the Annual Meeting & Conference of the American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law in Montreal from September 22 – 23, 2011.

News & Events Archive